Oi. How are ya? My name is Keith. I run the Deniliquin Dictionary. 

So you want the long or the short of it? Here’s the short.

I’m a writer, reporter and linguist from regional NSW. I currently curate the pages of The Deniliquin Dictionary, Australia’s only true guide to outback slang and phrases. It’s filled with the kind of words you’ll only ever hear in the carpark of a regional bowling club.

Anyway if you’re still reading, here’s the long.

I was born in the back room of the Conargo Hotel in 1978. I spent my early years as a champion freestyle motocross rider, touring the globe with the daredevil troupe ‘The Crusty Demons’, before I had to retire due to a serious mid-show accident. I told them the ramp was too short and I’ve got two broken legs to prove it.

Cashed up with a lucrative compensation claim, I then spent a year tearing about Europe creating chaos in Copenhagn and bedlam in Belgium. However when I found out pizza joints in Italy don't serve Meatlovers I decided Europe wasn't for me. They also don't sell lava cakes which is even more reason to fuck off back to Australia.

Upon returning home, I moved back to Deni to start a local tow truck and concreting business. Spending most of my days transporting locals who were stuck up shit creek with a blown head gasket, I discovered a few new words were floating about town, so I decided to start The Deniliquin Dictionary to capture our local language in its fullness.

Meanwhile, thanks to a lucrative family connection to the local council, my concreting business cashed in on the creation of the Deniliquin skate park, which I poured in at a triple inflated fee. And after shaking hands with some powerful members of the NSW state government at the official opening, I realised there was good money to be made in getting chummy with regional councils, extorting married politicians that visit the local knock-shop a little too often and being the guy they call when they need a concrete slab poured to build a new half pipe.

I now spend my days travelling regional NSW, scoping out land for skateparks, bribing local councillors with meals at Chinese restaurants and collecting more words for ‘The Deni D’. 

In my spare time I review pubs, drink rum and occasionally get into fights with publicans who won’t pour me another.

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